
David Ziganay

User Experience Designer, Art Director, Creative Director

Scion.com Redesign

After years of relying on Flash driven experiences Scion had wound up last in the JD Power automotive website rankings. We were at a crossroad on the web at the same time, HTML 5 was now a thing and CSS was finishing it's adolecence, HTML/CSS was more capable than ever - with that in mind we designed a new experience driven by liquid display behavior. Leading a team I contributed UX Design and Art Direction.

See the detailed UX work for this project here:

David Ziganay

UXD, AD, CD, Street Walkin' Cheetah With A Heart Full Of Napalm

San Francisco Bay Area based UXD, AD, CD, with a focus on excellence in creativity, integrity and just plain hard work. Proven creative, conceptual, and problem solving skills. I'm not afraid to roll my sleeves up and get my hands dirty.

Download my resumé

I've had the privilege of contributing to and shaping the story of these brands.