
David Ziganay

User Experience Designer, Art Director, Creative Director

Discharge Rounding Tool

Discharging patients from the hospital is a complex process fraught with challenges, one that is carried out millions of times annually in the United States, of those discharges nearly 14% are readmitted. Preventing hospital readmissions has the potential to improve the overall level of care and health for everyone involved in the process. The GE Healthcare Discharge Rounding Tool is designed to be an essential app for the Hospital Discharge Navigator with the goal of improving care outcomes by driving down readmission rates. Leading a team of 4 designers at the GE User Experience Center Of Excellence, we created and shipped the initial MVP design specification for this app.

None of this work would have been realized without close collaboration with these great people.

  • James Maccubbin: Director of UX
  • Nina Walia: Sr. UX Designer
  • Shima Khaki: UX Designer
  • Fernando Joffre: UX Designer

A centralized, dynamic, and glanceable summary of Patient Discharge Status

A core aspect of the Discharge Navigator's roll is evaluating a patient's Discharge Status. By mapping a patient's status to the key factors that affect discharge the most and then organizing each patient's information around a risk assessment scale of low, medium, to high - each patient is assigned a Discharge Risk Factor.

The idea of Discharge Status is organized around 4 key data points:

  • Estimated Discharge Date
  • Current Length Of Stay/Esimated Length Of Stay
  • Post Care Disposition and Transport Planning
  • Discharge Barriers categorized into 3 types - Care Transition, Diagnostic, Treatment & Consults

Patient Information and Discharge Status is expressed in a dynamic dashboard view enabling the Discharge Navigator to sort and refine a view of each hospital unit. The view can be filtered by any key data point to show patients at the highest risk of a delayed discharge, number and type of Discharge Barriers, or to share a specific set of patient information with other members of the care team.

Enabling team coordination with discreet, inline communication

The Discharge Navigator needs a way push relevant communication to other members of the care team, having up to date information on elements of the patient's status helps to drive more effective prioritization as the care team manages tasking and other aspects of the care process.

The rounding app provides a way to "nudge" members of the care team to update patient data they are charged with managing. In the Patient Detail view an action to request a status update will appear when an entry isn't present, when dispatched these requests appear as notifications or reminders for relevant care team members.

Encapsulating key discharge factors as Discharge Barrier Cards

Central to the tool is the ability for a Discharge Navigator to quickly ascertain the exact barriers to discharge for a patient. The rounding app provides a way to categorize, track, and manage the factors that impact a patient's discharge the most and displays them as Barrier Cards.

Cards are designed to be a simplified expression of a Discharge Barrier's category, type, and activity. Barriers are organized in 1 of 3 categories and represent a required aspect of the patient's treatment and care regimen. The Discharge Navigator can create a barrier for a blood work request or a consult for pain management, track activity associated with the barrier, and then clear the barrier once the task complete.

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David Ziganay

UXD, AD, CD, Street Walkin' Cheetah With A Heart Full Of Napalm

San Francisco Bay Area based UXD, AD, CD, with a focus on excellence in creativity, integrity and just plain hard work. Proven creative, conceptual, and problem solving skills. I'm not afraid to roll my sleeves up and get my hands dirty.

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