Bath & Body Works Checkout
See the wireframes for this work here:
Bath & Body Works Checkout Wireframes
All Comps
Shopping Bag - Empty
Shopping Bag - Populated
Shopping Bag - Populated - E Gift/Gift Cards
Shopping Bag - Error Handling
Shopping Bag - Success Feedback
Shopping Bag - Unconfirmed Change
Shopping Bag - Flyout
1. Address - Default
1. Address - Error Handling
1. Address - Ship To Multiple Addresses Enter Addresses
1. Address - Ship To Multiple Addresses Success Feedback
1. Address - Address Book
1. Address - Address Book - Edit Billing & Shipping Address
1. Address - Restriced Shipping Items
1. Address - Verify Address
1. Address - Verify Address Multi
1. Address - Verify Address No Recommendation
1. Address - Verify Address International
2. Shipping - Default
2. Shipping - Ship To Multiple Addresses Select Destination
2. Shipping - Ship To Multiple Addresses Select Shipping Option
2. Shipping - E-Gift Card/Gift Cards
2. Shipping - Canadian Display
2. Gifting Options - Default
2. Gifting Options - Kit Added To Bag
2. Gifting Options - Ship To Multiple Addresses
2. Gifting Options - No Full Service Options Available
3. Payment - Default
3. Payment - Error Handling
3. Payment - Wallet
3. Payment - Promo Code Applied
3. Payment - Gift Card Applied
4. Review - Default
4. Review - Message Selected
4. Review - Gift Wrap Selected
4. Review - Both Selected
4. Review - Ship To Multiple Addresses
4. Review - Return User
4. Review - Return User Error Handling
4. Review - Return User No Payment Info Saved
4. Review - Canadian Display
5. Confirmation - Default
5. Confirmation - Return User
5. Confirmation - Canadian Display
Comps By Flow
Default Guest - Gifting
Shopping Bag - Populated
1. Address - Default
2. Shipping - Default
2. Gifting Options - Default
3. Payment - Default
4. Review - Default
5. Confirmation - Default
Return User
Shopping Bag - Populated
1. Address - Default
4. Review - Return User
5. Confirmation - Default
Return User - Gifting
Shopping Bag - Populated
1. Address - Default
4. Review - Return User
2. Gifting Options - Default
4. Review - Gifting Selected
5. Confirmation - Return User